
David Moore of Equity Advantage, nationally recognized leader in 1031 Exchange facilitation, addresses deferring capital gains taxes when selling a property. Employing a Tax Deferred Exchange, otherwise known as a 1031 Exchange, when selling a property allows the seller to defer all capital gain taxes and reinvest the property’s value.

The IRS doesn’t like us talking about avoiding, so we’re going to talk about tax-deferred exchanges…So, when you’re disposing of a piece of property that’s been held for investment, if you’ve got something else you’d like to buy that’s of like kind and you would like to defer all your tax, we simply structure a 1031 Exchange. That’s going to allow the person, if they meet all the criteria to defer all capital gains tax in that transaction. And as I said, some people reference this as a “tax free exchange.” It’s not. It’s tax deferred. At some point, you’re going to realize the gain and have to pay the tax on that deferral. – David Moore, Equity Advantage

In 1031 Exchanges, How Can I Avoid Capital Gains When I Sell Property?

To learn more, visit Equity Advantage at 1031exchange.com, or visit David Moore’s YouTube channel, Equity Advantage 1031 Exchange.

If you’re thinking of selling your property, work with a broker who understands 1031 exchanges. Call René Nelson at 541-912-6583.