Multi-family Properties Eugene Oregon

Multi-family properties in Eugene, Oregon outpaced every other market in Oregon in 2018. Why? Primarily because Eugene is home to Oregon’s forerunner research university: The University of Oregon. In addition to their amazing sports programs, the U of O is nationally recognized for their research programs.

With a $500 million gift from Penny and Phil Knight, the University of Oregon will have one of the best scientific campuses with a final price tag of close to $1 billion. The Knight Campus for Accelerating Scientific Impact will focus on cutting-edge science including bioengineering, biomaterials, technology for precision medicine, and synthetic biology.

This new addition to the campus will allow Eugene to attract the brightest students and the best professors and educators who want to be a part of our local community.

Cranes and hard hats dot campus as new buildings shape the future

Cranes, trucks and hard-hat-wearing workers have become a familiar sight around campus in recent months. The UO has no fewer than six active construction projects going on, with more in the works. Together, they are transforming campus in ways big and small.

Multifamily properties in Eugene, Oregon are at an all-time high for demand. Apartment demand has been fueled by gains in population, strong employment opportunities, increasing wages, and a constant supply of renters.

The University of Oregon is the second-largest employer, with 5,400 workers. The university enrolls 23,000 students, including 19,000 undergrads, 79% of whom live off-campus. The steady stream of student renters substantially supports Eugene’s multi-family performance and tight apartment vacancies.

If you would like more information about multi-family properties in Eugene or if you would like a copy of my free Multi-Family Market Report please call or email me. I have 15 years of experience in commercial real estate in Eugene, Oregon. I want to be a resource for you when it comes to multi-family and commercial properties in Oregon.

Rene’ Nelson, CCIM, CRE
Real Estate Investment Broker
(541) 912-6583
[email protected]