Smart Curb Appeal Fixes

The next podcast in our making the most of your investments series is out!

Marcia and I are going to point out simple curb appeal fixes that are easy to overlook but can make a big impact on a buyer’s first impression of your property.

René Nelson, Eugene commercial real estate broker
Marcia Edwards, Eugene residential real estate broker

Making the Most of Your Investment Properties – Part 8

Marcia Edwards: I’ve been tying my pricing strategy and putting a property on the market, but there’s a lot more to it, and that’s all includes first impression and due diligence process or the discovery will happen when they’ll see how well the seller has taken care of the property long-term, let’s talk René today about getting top dollar and what the point of interests from buyers investors are.

René Nelson: That’s great, Marcia. So the first thing that I tell a seller before we put a property on the market, we walk around the complex and take a look at it because you really wanna make a good impression, so easy breezy things like spreading new bark, putting some plants out, and then the big thing is, if you have a common walkway where… Especially in two-storey walk-up apartments, often you’ll have a hallway or a common area where tenants will walk in and maybe you split to the left to go into one unit, split to the right to go to the other unit, paint that area, you’d be amazed at how just beat up and thrashed that becomes with bicycle black marks and just different things that make it an eyesore or when the buyer walks up, it looks untidy to them.

Marcia Edwards: And it triggers, “There must be more under the surface that are problems as well, I think.”

René Nelson: Absolutely.

Marcia Edwards: Tell me about the impression, do you go as deep as getting inspections done prior to listing a property for sale?

René Nelson: You know, that’s a great question, I don’t, and the reason is, I’ve learned that I cannot out-think what a buyer will wanna have inspected and I really want them to take that responsibility on, but what I will do is I can pretty much visually look at a property and know what an appraiser is gonna call out or more importantly an inspector, just dry rot areas or a roof that has moss build-up.

So what I’ll frequently do is get a bid for those items and just tuck it in my folder, so when a buyer says, “Oh my gosh, this property is a train wreck,” I can say, “Well, I’ve got a couple of bids for that deferred maintenance and here’s what it would cost,” and it just kind of puts the buyer at ease and diffuses that concern.

Marcia Edwards: Okay, so it’s important to take a look before you’re on the market at your house… At your house, that’s me residential popping in, investment property, very important to look at it through the lens of the buyer and you’re able to do that also, you’ve been around enough inspections and appraisals to put that lens to it as well. Those are a great set of eyes to have on your property when you’re considering selling. René make sure they know how to reach you.

René Nelson: And my contact is 541-912-6583. Have a fantastic evening.

If you’re looking to part with your investment property, René can help you make the most from your property’s sale. Schedule a 15-minute discovery call to better understand your investments and the market today.